Rising rapper apeX is making a statement on Rap Fiesta's platform with his smooth-moving single, "Just Breathe." The Fort Myers, Florida rhymer initially recorded the track during the COVID-19 pandemic as a form of irony. However, the track has evolved into a creative way to handle apeX's anxiety. "Just Breathe" revolves around apeX's inspiration to keep a clear mentality while balancing several responsibilities in life. Between family, work, life, staying mentally clear, and maintaining a presence in the music game, apeX describes feeling...
Johnny Cocoa refuses to let anyone waste his time in "11:11." Coming off his new project, I AM WHO I AM, the song highlights the rapper/singer fighting pessimism with a can-do attitude. His animated delivery shines through his crisp range. The slick R&B trap production perfectly matches the crooner's relentlessness. As the lyrics show, honing in your passion and blocking out the noise will result in a prosperous life. Mid-chorus, Johnny sings "I can hear the money calling/I can hear my spirit...
King De$ treats each production at hand as his confessional in Redemption. On the 10-track album, the rapper speaks about betrayal in both romantic and platonic relationships. However, he doesn't just point the finger at others. In some moments of Redemption, King De$ also takes accountability for his actions. Like in "All Alone," he admits to making some not-so-great choices. "My decisions was flawed/I was chasing h*es like they tails was bronze," he delivers. No matter the obstacle, King De$ will continue "climbing...
Chalynn tugs at heartstrings in her newest record, "Luv Sum U." Orchestrated by live instrumentation, the song's piano loop makes a grand entrance for the singer's vulnerability. Essentially, "Luv Sum U" has that '2000s style that brings the emotion out of lovers everywhere. The song encapsulates what couples go through to grow through. "Luv Sum U" finds the 4PF signee asking for her partner to stay by her side. Chalynn knows that her trust issues and their arguments are driving him away,...