Heem Sosa | ‘Right Now’, Vibe Monster
There are two types of ‘loud’. There is the loud that we all get when we’ve had too much to drink and just think “louder is better.” I call this the Cardi B version of loud. Then there is loud: born of frustration and a determination to be heard. This loud has an edge; a sense of urgency and authenticity attached to it that demands attention. Heem Sosa in “Right Now” is loud.
The beat is bass heavy, arms-around-the-boys style with some spice, allowing a boisterous “Cheem” to get all up in your face with a Casanova-esque energy. There is no buildup; Heem has no intention of easing the listener into the song. Instead, he comes out at 100%, insistent that you understand what he wants to convey. That’s what I love about Heem. He maintains such an elevated level of energy that you never know what the chorus is until he repeats the same words twice. Make no mistake though, behind Heem’s brash delivery is a song with a message, conveyed through lyrics and symbolism.
“I ain’t livin too good right now.”
Marlissa Monay Visuals helps Heem paint a vivid picture in the “Right Now” music video. Trailers and piles of tires represent Heem’s current predicament, the source of his aforementioned urgency. However, while he may feel “trapped in the hood,” his ticket out is fresh and promising, represented by the sleek white BMW and Dodge Challenger. This dichotomy illustrates the meaning Heem is trying to convey to his listeners; while where he is right now may not be all moonlight and roses, he’s ready to work, grow, and ride his music to new heights.
I asked Heem what he wanted to tell his fans and his motto was on-brand:
“Keep grinding and never give up.”
While this is easier said than done, Heem Sosa practices what he preaches. His commitment to the grind and success it will eventually bring is evident in all of his music, but I think Heem’s potential impact is even greater. It isn’t always easy to maintain a positive energy and belief in oneself, but during times of struggle one can draw strength from somebody else’s energy and belief. That’s where Heem’s value truly lies. Heem Sosa is an artist with the potential to lead a movement, inspire through his music, and impact the lives of millions.
Come feed off of Heem Sosa’s energy as he brute-forces his way into the industry and check out the awesome video put together by Heem and Marlissa Monay Visuals below.